Training Course Details
Professional Standards 101 Training Course | May 21, 2025
Course Location: Alaska MEC – Airline Pilots Association
Hotel Name: Raddison Hotel Seattle Airport
Training Course Description
The underlying philosophy of the Professional Standards Program is that it is the responsibility of professional airline pilots to set and maintain professional standards that go beyond those set by the FAA and airline management. Using the ALPA Code of Ethics as our foundation, the Professional Standards committee strives to help each of us become better pilots and true representatives of our profession. That means helping our fellow pilots when CRM-type issues, among other things, may occur between our own members or with other employees. The training provides participants with the knowledge and skills to respond to cases between the parties in a non-judgemental, non-accusatory, and non-confrontational manner.
Capt. Jason Graves, the Professional Standards Lead Instructor ASO ProStan Vice-Chair & JetBlue ProStan MEC Chair, is conducting the training.